Co-op Local Community Fund is different.
As part of Co-op Membership Offer, Members receive 2p in every £1 spent on qualifying Co-op products & services and the same amount goes to communities.
1p goest to Local Community Fund and 1p goes to Community Partnerships Fund.
Local Community Fund is hyper local - meaning that the idea is that the money stays in the communities where it was spent for the benefit of the communities that those who spent it live in.
So across Highland, hundreds of local causes can benefit. Each Local Community Fund store cluster area may consist of at most three Co-op stores.
So for example Beauly /Muir of Ord is a cluster that supports three local community causes at any one point in time.
Inverness has three Local Community Fund clusters meaning that nine local causes in Inverness are being supported at any one time.
So hundreds of local causes are being supported every year across Highland.
Check out and consider submitting an application on behalf your local cause.
It's really easy & straightforward.
Download the app below to join and to choose a local cause. Thanks